「戻ろう。」 伊藤さんは決心した。2012年5月に退社し、東京のパートナーと準備を進め、6月に南三陸町で活動を始めた。地道に家族経営でがんばっている漁師やお店を応援したいと思っている。また、四季折々の季節感あふれる商品ラインナップを揃えようと活動している。
高校から離れていた南三陸に、海外での仕事を投げ打って、彼は帰ってきた。「震災がなかったら、帰って来なかったと思います。」 美しい海を見ながら暮らせる町、自然の恵みあふれる南三陸を取り戻したい。伊藤さんの夢は、海が臨める場所にカフェを開くことだ。そのカフェの一隅から、伊藤さんはきっと南三陸と多くの人々とをつなげてくれることだろう。
[browser-shot width=”300″ url=”http://www.odette-shop.com/”]
Mr.Takahiro Ito
“Minamisanriku de Okaimono (Shopping in Minamisanriku)” is the website for shopping in Minamisanriku “now.” Mr.Takahiro Ito manages this site.
People from all over Japan visit this portal site for shopping.The messages sent along with the orders have been encouraging Minamisanriku’ s retailers. Also, Mr. Ito has developed the market for Minamisanriku’ s products through events and special promotions with businesses.
On March 11, 2011, Mr. Ito was working for a restaurant chain in Chingtao in China as a factory superintendent. When he temporary returned to Minamisanriku in April, his hometown had disappeared. “I will return,” Mr. Ito made up his mind. In June 2012 he came back to Minamisanriku and started to go into action. He hopes to encourage the fishermen and store owners to steadily do their best with their family-run businesses.
“By managing the website, I get to meet various people in Minamisanriku and also become acquainted with many people from all over the country. Every day is very pleasant.” said Mr. Ito.
Giving up his work overseas, Mr. Ito came back to Minamisanriku. He had left here when he was a senior high school student. “I think that I would have never come back here if not for the earthquake disaster.”
“I hope I can help to restore Minamisanriku, where we can live with the beautiful sea and enjoy a town full of natural blessings,” he said with his eyes shining.