昭和3年、当時の歌津村村長 及川権右衛門が詠んだ和歌である。
県知事の通達に及川村長は涙を流して感激し、当時の漁業協同組合長 阿部亀治郎に鮑採りを命じる。
Utatsu boasts abalone of the highest quality
Everyone on the beach was excited over the abalone presented to the Emperor
In 1928, dried abalone of Utatsu was presented to Emperor Showa as a ceremonial o ering upon his accession to the throne at the Kyoto Imperial Palace. Seventeen persons in Tomarihama were chosen to harvest the abalone. ey were harvested in September and dried at the home of Tonoshin Oikawa in Tomarihama. e gift of abalone was successfully presented to the Emperor.
Ichiro Takahashi, Chairman of the Miyagi Fishery Cooperative Association Utatsu Branch Steering Committee has memories of the beach lled with throngs of people at the start of the abalone harvest season. Ichiro has gone abalone shing together with his grandfather and father and showed valuable records of his catches.
In 1969, there were 10 days when abalone could be harvested. e Takahashi Family’s catch of abalone was 634 kg in total. At the time, gasoline was 44-45 yen per liter, and abalone was 1400-1700 yen per kilogram. Abalone was expensive and the price was much higher than other things. It was said that a sherman could build a mansion by abalone shing. us, for shermen, abalone shing was a big source of income.
Ichiro said that he was so excited that he could not sleep the night before abalone shing. Children in Utatsu rode on a shing boat together with their families, and learned how to sh by watching others and following their example. When they became junior high school students they became good shermen. In the 60s, on days when abalone, sea urchin, and octopus shing were allowed as well as when harvesting wheat, schools in the town were closed. Since abalone shing was an important source of cash income, family members would join forces.
Starting in 1974, the number of the boats which can catch abalone on the days allowed was limited to one per household. After that the number of days when abalone shing is allowed was decreased to four or ve times per year. In Ichiro’s personal records, on the rst day of the season in 1976, he caught 160 kg; however, in 1989, only 31 kg of abalone was caught.
Catches of abalone for the whole sheries cooperative association in Utatsu was 29 tons in 2006 and decreased to 11 tons in 2016, showing a downward tendency.
e beaches in Utatsu are blessed with abundant reef resources which are home to abalone, hijiki (edible brown algae), hornwort, and gumweed. In order to conserve the environment, 200,000 young shell sh were released at the beaches this year. While the marine environment changes under the in uence of global warming and reconstruction following the tsunami disaster, Ichiro and others have been making e orts to protect abalone and increase the harvest.
“Abalone is always delicious.” Ichiro breaks into a smile.
“It is fantastic to eat abalone grilled lightly!”
In Utatsu, the “Abalone Festival” is held every December 23, re ecting how proud the townspeople are of this precious delicacy.
“Even when Utatsu su ered serious damage from the Great East Japan Earthquake, young shermen did not leave the area. In fact, the number of members is also increasing. e shermen of Utatsu are glad to receive the bounties of the sea, including reef resources such as abalone.”
Ichiro expresses his appreciation.