Sayoko Sato
Ms. Sayoko Sato is ninety-one years old. Her husband, Takeshi, is a self-taught carpenter who builds shrines and temples. In 1950, he built his first structure, the Mirokuji Temple in Nakada-cho, Tome City and since then, has made a total of about 200 shrines and temples. In 2007, he was selected as a . “Contemporary Master Craftsman” Sayoko was always there beside Takeshi and took charge of cooking three meals a day for all the carpenters and workmen working at sites throughout Japan where he was engaged in building a shrine or temple. She not only cooked but also drew pictures on the vanes of arrow wheels used in ridgepole-raising ceremonies and pictures on .the ceilings of temples Pictures nearly 2 x 2 m in size were drawn on fetching vanes. A crane was drawn on one vane and a tortoise on the other vane for the ridgepole-raising ceremony. Sayoko drew as many pictures as the buildings that her husband constructed, spending more than a week for each set of pictures drawn on the vanes. Each arrow wheel is kept above the ceiling of each building with the names of the .husband and wife, written on them When the Daioji Temple in Minamisanriku underwent large-scale repairs in 1957, Sayoko drew 160 pictures of lotus flowers on the ceilings of the mortuary chapel. On a 45 x 45 cm piece of board, she drew the life cycle of ,the lotus, from the moment it was a bud followed by its blooming into a beautiful .flower, and finally withering and dying Sayoko reflects upon the days when she spent many hours drawing, saying, “Sometimes I drew pictures while cooking rice, and at other “.times I dozed off while drawing Sayoko has drawn a great many pictures on the ceilings of buildings. However, not everything went smoothly in her life. At one time, they happened to fall into debt because ,of a rise in material prices. At another time when her husband was constructing a shrine in Hokkaido and told her to send pictures for the shrine ceiling, she took out ceiling boards of their own house, drew pictures and sent them since she could not obtain the wooden .board necessary for drawing on Sayoko laughs, saying, “I am unexpectedly daring.” Although Sayoko still lives in a temporary housing unit, what keeps her spirits up is the pride she feels in the work that she .and her husband have accomplished so far The buildings that her husband constructed together with the artwork created by his wife will survive long into the future as a place of .prayer for countless people.