林業の町 南三陸
Nagaharu Takahashi
Minamisanriku is also known as a “forestry town” with the
topographical features of a ria coastline. Along the
coastline, mountain ridges plunge into the sea and cedar
trees of good quality grow on the mountainsides.
Over four hundred years ago, Lord Date Masamune built
Sendai Castle. When constructing the Ohashi Bridge over
the Hirose River to the castle, a search was made
throughout the clan’s territory for the appropriate wood to
use, and the Japanese cedar growing in Minamisanriku was
selected for the bridge. Four hundred-year-old trees were
used in building this wooden bridge. One tree, which was
not felled at the time, is “Tarobo,” still standing at the
Aresawa Shrine. With an estimated age of eight hundred
years, “Tarobo” was damaged by the Great East Japan
Earthquake and is feared to be dying.
Japanese cedar trees growing in Minamisanriku are tall and
many of them are taller than 30 meters in height. They grow
tall and straight and the difference between the largest
girth and smallest girth of the trunk is small, considering the
years of their growth. The trees produce very narrow,
beautiful, pale pink annual rings and they have greater
strength than the average Japanese cedar.
Because of the favorable soil conditions of Minamisanriku,
Japanese cedar trees grow for hundreds of years. Although
annual precipitation is not significant, fog and winds from
the sea that contain a wealth of minerals are said to
contribute to producing strong and healthy trees.
Members of the Minamisanriku Yamanokai (Minamisanriku
Forestry Circle) have been working to make the
surrounding mountains a place for value-added products.
Since the Yamanokai was established in 1979, its members
have been studying a variety of skills, gaining knowledge
and learning effective business approaches for forestry.
Mr. Nagaharu Takahashi, chairperson of the circle, has 40
years of experience in the field of forestry. The Takahashi
Family launched their forestry business in the Taisho-era
more than 90 years ago.
“Japanese cedar trees which were planted by my great
grandfather, are growing in the mountainous area owned
by my family. This mountain property has been handed
down in families from one generation to the next. For tree
growers, the price of trees is high at times while at other
times, it is low. We were taught that it is important to
operate the forestry business over long periods of time
without being affected by the rise or fall of tree prices – we
must not fell many trees at a time even if the prices of trees
have risen. When we fell trees, we must plant tree seedlings
and care for them so that new trees may grow. This is our
philosophy for protecting and preserving the forests.”
During his many years of experience, Mr. Takahashi has
learned that forestry is a business that requires a long time
before becoming profitable.
Mr. Takahashi’s forests in the mountains are beautiful.
Many tall and straight Japanese cedar trees are standing in
his well maintained mountain forests where sunlight
penetrates through the tall trees. Green undergrowth fully
covers the base of cedar trees where plants are flowering
and birds and insects thrive. In winter, this undergrowth
decays and becomes soil nutrient with the remains and
feces of insects and birds offering nourishment to the trees.
It is a natural landscape that is full of vital energy and life.
Plenty of water comes down from the strong healthy forests
and enters the sea.
People working to conserve mountain forests are also part
of the natural cycle of life. Routine work being done
diligently by the people who work in the mountains helps
bring us bounties from the sea and mountains. The
hard-working attitude and philosophy of the people who
have long taken care of the forests in the mountainous
environment have made the Japanese cedar forests of
Minamisanriku into their present stately form.